Friday, September 5, 2008

Should I be an expert?

I always go with the experts and it's so funny because I consider myself an expert with so many years experience but training a dog isnt easy unless you know some tricks the experts know and use.

I understand dogs and yet I cant get him to do every trick. I tried but my dogs never did the hard ones. I have a sweet dog and he listens very well, but I have had terrible dogs that were not obedient. I hate to think of all the trouble those dogs have gotten me into. I went to jail because of one of my dogs. My newest dog is older now and over weight. Doesn't know very many tricks and is pretty lame. He does bark at strange sounds and can catch food with his mouth. I wish I had a super dog. I'm doing some investigating on training pets and even older pets like mine.

Whether you have recently adopted an older pet, or have given up trying to correct your pet's bad habits, it is not too late to teach him good manners. From housebreaking to digging and chewing, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) offers tips on how to train your problem pooch or contrary kitty.

"Consistency and positive reinforcement are the key to training a pet of any age," says Link Welborn, DVM, AAHA past president. "In fact, older pets may be easier to train than puppies and kittens because they have a longer attention span."

Housebreaking should be a breeze for older pets who have less urgency problems and better control. Keep a close eye on your dog or confine him to a specific area while indoors, then take him out to the same place every time to do his business. Use consistent encouragement and give him plenty of praise afterward. Housebreaking your newly adopted cat will be easier if you use the same brand of litter that she previously used.

Food treats and positive reinforcement will help your pet learn basic commands such as "sit," "stay" and "come." Plan your commands ahead of time and make sure that everyone in your household uses the same commands so your pet doesn't get confused. Say the command once and then physically put your pet in the position you want him in if he doesn't obey.

Toys aren't just for puppies and kittens. Older pets also need stimulating toys and plenty of exercise to prevent them from digging and chewing out of boredom. Chewing in kittens is common, but they usually outgrow it. Consult your veterinarian if your older cat is still chewing; she may need medication in addition to training. Keeping a close watch over your pet so he doesn't have an opportunity to misbehave and using consistent praise to reinforce good behavior should eliminate most behavior problems.

The key to any training regimen is consistent, positive reinforcement of the desired behavior rather than punishment. Never physically punish a pet; this may lead to biting out of fear, or other aggressive behavior. Instead, use praise and attention as a reward when the desired behavior is exhibited and ignore inappropriate behavior.

If your pet continues to display unwanted behaviors despite your best efforts, visit your veterinarian to discuss the problem. The veterinarian will examine your pet to rule out anything medical that could be causing or contributing to the behavior, as well as provide advice and additional resources to help solve the problem. Your veterinarian can also refer you to a behavior specialist.

I will continue our look into bad and disobedient dogs and even new dog tricks that will impress your friends.


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